Thursday 8 April 2010

Mess in Mass--- Focus on Market Solutions for Physician Shortage

Massachusetts: A Regulatory Mess 50% of physicians choose to practice elsewhere

  • Mass residents having difficulty getting care rose to 24% from 16% between 2007 and 2008
  • 33% of Mass state's primary care doctors now considering changing professions due to dissatisfaction with the current practice
  • US Medical students do not choose to enter a primary care specialty due to economics.
  • US Medical school debt is 155K on average
  • US Average income: family physicians is $173,000, oncologists $335,000, radiologists $391,000 and cardiologists $419,000.
Expanding the Primary Care Workforce. An Essential Element of Health Care Reform Ellen-Marie Whelan November 2009

2008 Physician Workforce Study by the Massachusetts Medical Society

Market Solutions At Glance :  End Fee for Service
  • Increase Medicare payments to PCPs
  • Loan payment incentives
  • Assess new models of payment -medical home incentive, pay providers an additional bonus payment for assuming responsibility for and providing a full range of primary care services.
  • Include more control over the type of health care delivered deliver
  • Provide incentives to improve quality and outcomes 



Parents Must Step Up-- USA TODAY

Parents must step up

It's about time we implement a zero-tolerance policy for school bullying. As we all know, high school can be the cruelest and most unforgiving place on earth.
Like underage drinking, the only way parents and teachers will take notice and responsibility is when legal action and mortality are realized.
These children need to be publicly shamed, and their parents must take responsibility.

Meghan Mair Fitzgerald; Norwalk, Conn.

Monday 22 February 2010

Healthcare Reform Take 4. Note Market Based Approaches..

For those interested in cliff notes:

$950B price tag over 10 years (funded by healthcare fees, employers penalties)

Similar to health reform framework passed by Senate Democrats in December (which I called)

Mandate that requires individuals to purchase health insurance,

Subsidy for people who cannot afford coverage but taxes and fees to raise revenue

Market based approaches: health insurance exchanges and an ability to go across state lines and $40B in tax credits

Excise/Cadillac tax delay

Senate abortion language (not stricter house language)

Senate reconciliation permitted (legislation passes Senate with 51 votes, instead of having to clear the 60 vote threshold).

Thursday 10 September 2009

The Speech of Obamas Presidency

Last night President Obama delivered a speech on healthcare that many have called the speech of his Presidency. This morning he is receiving praise from both slides of the aisle (and the stock market) on his words and clarity.  I was on the ground in Europe where coverage was limited but positive. The Afghan war is top of mind in Europe and the upcoming elections.

Below please find a link to the transcript and video.
As we head back to class tonight for another semester of policy, two themes jumped out at me during this speech: morality and cost.

Obama referenced that we have a moral obligation to provide healthcare? Do you feel the same way?
The President also noted that this $900B plan (over ten years) will be cost neutral, not one penny or nickle to be precise will be added to our defecit. Do you agree that the necessary changes will happen (including a public option) without additional money?
Cheers- Meg

US Healthcare Reform Bill-- Did you read it yet?


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